WhatsApp Contact Form

In this tutorial you will see How to Create a WhatsApp Contact Form using PHP & WhatsAPI.

In this Contact Form, you can insert your WhatsApp credentials, every time someone contacts you through this Contact Form, it will send a WhatsApp message to a mobile number you specify notifying you instantly wherever you are!

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Prerequisite’s :-

  • WhatsAPI PHP Library.
  • WA Password.

If You haven’t Download WhatsAPI PHP Library, so Download it Now as we gonna use it in the Process of Obtaining WA Password.

Download “WhatsAPI.zip” master.zip – Downloaded 57226 times –

If You Dont Have WA Password, Refer this :- How to Get WhatsApp Password

So Let’s Get Started !

WhatsApp Contact Form

Contact Form Model :-

PHP Part for Processing Contact Form & Sending WhatsApp Message :-

Complete Code :-

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Download “whatsapp-contact-form.zip” whatsapp-contact-form.zip – Downloaded 8856 times – 637 KB

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  1. Mamb
    • Puneet Mehta
  2. Fredy
    • Puneet Mehta