How to Sync Contacts in WhatsApp using PHP

In this tutorial you will see How to Sync Contacts in WhatsApp using PHP. Syncing Contacts is an Initial & even Required Step. You Need to sync Contacts with WhatsApp Server to Send Messages to those Numbers. [ Note : If You try to Send Messages without Syncing Contacts , your WhatsApp may Get BLOCKED ]


Prerequisite’s for Syncing Contacts in WhatsApp :-

  • WhatsAPI PHP Library.
  • WhatsApp Password.

If You haven’t Download WhatsAPI PHP Library, so Download it Now as we gonna use it in the Process of Obtaining WhatsApp Password.

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If You Dont Have WhatsApp Password, Refer this :- How to Get WhatsApp Password

So Let’s Get Started !

Logging in to WhatsApp

Syncing Contacts

Using Events to Check Whether a Particular Number Exists on WhatsApp or Not

Complete Code :-


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